Class For Ages 4-5
This is the beginning of a different coaching format if a child has previously been through our pre school system. This is also a fantastic opportunity for new gymnasts to join the club as all the children will be learning together in a new way. With the timings of this class it allows each child to work on more apparatus than they did in their pre school sessions.​
With a varied programme, our gymnasts are able to train on several apparatus per session with different skills being taught throughout the programme. Our gymnasts will always have an appropriate level of assistance due to the nature of how our coaches teach at this age, ranging from demonstrations, feedback and hands on support.​
In these lessons we want to see children adhering to the club etiquette, including listening to coaches, following instructions, waiting patiently for a turn on each apparatus, and being respectful to everyone in the gym.
Session Length: 1 hour.
Session Price: £50 per month.

Primary School KS1
Class For Ages 5-7
The basics from our reception class are transferred into this class. At this stage, lots of the skills and exercises on the apparatus will remain coach supported to assist and prepare them for more complex skills to come. At this age group children are encouraged to get more involved with the coaches by asking and answering questions and volunteering to demonstrate stations to their small group.​
As our gymnasts' social confidence increases, solid friendships will start to form. In a sport like gymnastics, there are endless challenges and frustrations that occur and having like minded training peers at such a young age allows for the children to motivate each other and enjoy the social side to a physically demanding sport.​
Session Length: 1 hour.
Session Price: £50 per month.
Primary School KS2
Class For Ages 7-11
At this age we introduce a larger group activity which usually revolves around working with a partner or team to promote cooperation, or against a partner or team to promote friendly competition. Such activities include extra flexibility, extra strength and conditioning, acrobatic balances and skill progressions. This activity is never the same in back to back weeks and allows children to have a great opportunity for social growth as gymnasts can work with children and coaches that they don’t normally work with.
As gymnasts mature our coaches focus on developing the gymnasts’ thinking skills. As a child gains a greater understanding of the sport, we want to start letting children self critique their own performance of skills and exercises. This is an extremely difficult trait to possess at such a young age and is promoted throughout the entire club and can be practised with a coach. It is unlikely that a gymnastics skill will be perfectly achieved on the first try and we help the gymnasts understand that asking questions and making mistakes is a part of the learning process.
​In addition to social confidence we want our gymnasts to have performance confidence. Although 2PRU Gymnastics Club is not a performance based gymnastics club, we still believe that performing is the root of what gymnastics is. Therefore, gymnasts in this age group onwards will learn how to create mini routines; work together to perform short displays and ultimately show off their hard work to their peers and coaches.​
We do have an invitational only advanced class starting from age 7. These classes are based on selection only and head coaches will make contact with the gymnasts parents/ guardians if they are suitable. Selection for these classes are based upon gymnastics ability as well as non- sporting excellence.​
Session Length: 1 hour.
Session Price: £50 per month.

More Primary School Info:
Session Times:
Monday: 17:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 17:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: TBC
Thursday: 17:00 - 20:00
Friday: 17:00 - 19:00
Saturday: TBC
Sunday: 12:00 - 15:00
Session Location:
All sessions are currently taking place at Tadcaster Grammar School.
Sessions run throughout the whole year, with the exceptions of:
New Year:
School Open Day(s): Saturday 7th October; Thursday 12th October
These dates may change year upon year. To ensure you are up to date please subscribe to our mailing list & also follow our Facebook & Instagram.
These classes require the following three separate payments:
Monthly Training Fees.
Yearly Club Membership.
Yearly Gymnastics Insurance.
For your free taster session these payments are not required and more information will be given after your child's taster session with us.
Our payment policy can be found here.
Class Availability:
We are not a walk in gymnastics club, all classes are to be booked in advance.