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2PRU Gymnastics Club
Weather Procedures  

Last Updated: 01/07/2023


Hot Days: 

Gymnasts are encouraged to wear cool clothing suitable for physical activity during hot days.

It is essential for gymnasts to bring their own drinks to stay hydrated during the session. If your child does not bring a drink, bottles of water will be available to purchase on site.

The intensity of activities may be reduced to ensure the safety of gymnasts.

A session may be stopped and later classes may be cancelled if the temperature exceeds a certain threshold as physical exercise becomes increasingly more dangerous at high levels of temperature.


Snow Days:

Gymnasts are required to wear warm clothing appropriate for cold weather.

Gymnasts should leave the gym premises adequately wrapped up to protect against the cold weather.

PSAs will be made regarding the condition of the roads and car park, as well as gymnastics classes being cancelled if necessary.

Longer warm-up periods may be included to ensure all the gymnasts minimise the risk of injury.

Gymnasts are advised to wear appropriate footwear to avoid slipping due to wet shoes, however footwear should be removed when inside the gymnasium. 


Extreme Rain/ Thunder and Lightning: 

Gymnasts should leave the gymnasium adequately wrapped up during extreme rain or thunderstorm conditions.

Accessibility to the gym may be affected due to flooding or other weather-related issues.

Gymnasts should wear appropriate footwear to avoid slips and trips. Shoes should be removed as soon as possible when entering the gym itself.

Power cuts may occur during severe weather conditions. This may result in heavily adapted gymnastics sessions or a full gym closure.


Compensation for Missed Sessions: 

If the 2PRU Gymnastics Club closes due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be compensated with a refund for the cancelled session(s). This may be during or before a child’s session. So please ensure your contact information is always kept up to date. 


Other Gym Closures:

In addition to weather-related closures, the gym may also need to close due to other extraneous variables such as issues with water supply, faulty facilities or power cuts.


It is the responsibility of all parents/ guardians to provide 2PRU Gymnastics Club with up-to-date contact details. All communication regarding gym closures will be sent via email in a timely manner.


Please note that any gym closures at this time are ultimately decided by Tadcaster Grammar School, however 2PRU Gymnastics Club still reserves the right to cancel a session.

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