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2PRU Gymnastics Club
Visitor Code of Conduct

Last Updated: 23/11/2023



As a club we are lucky to have ample onsite parking. All club visitors must park in the main car park next to the main reception.


To find the gymnastic block, when looking face on at the main reception doors head left and follow the path from the reception to the building at the opposite side of the courtyard.


Drop Off:

Upon arrival at the gym block you should ensure your child is prepared for their session by being correctly dressed, having been to the toilet and having an adequate drink for their session. Gymnasts can get changed and use the toilet facilities in the appropriate changing rooms. Parents must not enter the changing room with their child. 


Gymnasts must have a drink to participate. We do not have water available to purchase on site, however gymnast can refill their drinks bottles by using the water fountain.


If your child is wearing a leotard for their gymnastics class, they must wear clothing on top when being dropped off and when being collected. 


5 minutes before your class starts, Gymnasts & Parents/ Guardians are to go upstairs to our gymnasium where they will meet a member of staff to be registered once the doors open. Please ensure your child is fully prepared for their session before coming up. 


Parents/ Guardians must always drop their child off in the gymnasium. It is unacceptable for children to enter the gym unaccompanied. Although your child will be in the gym before their class begins, children are still under the sole responsibility of their parents/ guardians until a member of staff has recorded their attendance on our class register.


Gymnasts must take their bags, drinks and personal property upstairs and into the gym itself. No gymnast should leave any personal belongings in the changing room. This aims to help prevent any loss or damage of property, however please note that 2PRU Gymnastics Club is not responsible for any loss or damage that does occur. Please ensure all personal belongings are named. In the event that we do find any lost property on our premises we will keep items safe until the end of each month. At the end of each month we will donate all lost property to our local charity shop. Please understand that any items lost just prior to the end of a month will still be donated in that current month. Once you realise that you have lost any personal belongings in our club please simply visit the club and enquire about the items which you have lost. 


Please ensure your child’s mobile phone is switched off before entering the gymnasium to prevent noise or flash distraction to others.


If your child is injured or recovering from illness, both parent/ guardian and child must inform a coach prior to their class beginning.


Late Drop Off:

If you are late dropping off your child for their gymnastics class, please instruct your child to get ready as quickly as possible in the appropriate changing room if necessary. Once your child is ready, they must bring all their personal belongings and a drink upstairs into the gymnasium. You must accompany your child into the gymnasium itself and make yourself known to a member of staff so we can record your child’s attendance and hand over responsibility. 



For your child's free gymnastics taster session, we invite you to sit in the gymnasium itself to watch your child's first gymnastics class.


During subsequent weeks, parents/ guardians must drop their child off in the gymnasium and then leave the gymnasium until collection time. 


For those of you with a child under aged 4 or under we require you to stay on site (however not in the gymnasium itself).


Whilst on our premises, to keep our gymnasts safe we have a few simple "Do Not" rules to follow:

  • Do not enter the gymnasium unless given permission to do so.

  • Do not communicate with an actively coaching coach.

  • Do not interact with your child during their session.

  • Do not show aggressive or abusive language and body language.

  • Do not take or upload any pictures or videos which contain other people to social media. 

  • Do not take flash photography and turn the flash on your phone off when receiving incoming phone calls or notifications.

  • Do not eat or bring any food into the gym.

  • Do not smoke cigarettes or electronic cigarettes inside or in close proximity to the building.

  • Do not bring any pets onto or into the facility.



5 minutes before your child's class finishes, Parents/ Guardians are to go upstairs and wait outside the gym doors for collection.


Once a coach calls the parents/ guardians in, please assist your child as best as possible in getting ready to leave to ensure a quick and smooth class change over.


Upon entering the gymnasium, please refrain from standing on any gymnastics equipment including but not limited to mats, blocks and benches.


Parents must collect their children inside the gym itself. Children will remain with at least two members of staff in the gym until a parent/ guardian is physically present. We have zero tolerance for children being picked up from the car park or any other alternative location.


Special arrangements:

Due to the layout and floor plan of our facility, access to the gymnasium itself is by stairs only. We can accommodate and provide special arrangements for drop off and collection for those individuals who may face accessibility issues.


Irregular Collection Protocol:


Late collection:

  • If you are late to pick up your child, you must contact the club as soon as possible. 

  • If there is no contact from a parent/ guardian after 10 minutes we will attempt to make contact with you. 

  • If we are unsuccessful in making contact with your child’s primary emergency contact we will then immediately attempt to make contact with your child’s second emergency contact. 

  • If we are unsuccessful in making contact with either party, we will be required to contact the police. 

  • Further instructions will be provided by the police and is dependent on the situation. 

  • If 2PRU Gymnastics Club has to make contact with a parent/ guardian, this lateness will be recorded on our online portal and we may charge a lateness fee. Repeated lateness is a serious child safeguarding and welfare issue with your child's place at 2PRU Gymnastics Club being put in jeopardy with repeat offences.


Alternative parent/ guardian collection:​

  • If you are only dropping off your child and have arranged for another parent/ guardian to pick up your child (and vice versa) you must inform a member of staff upon drop off so we can document the name, preferred contact number and relation of this person to your child. Your child's main contact must provide the head coach with a safe code upon drop off and your child's alterative parent/ guardian must provide the same safe code to the head coach upon collection. 

  • If there is any change in who is collecting your child after the drop off period, please ring the club to inform us of who is now collecting them. If we are unaware of this change, we will contact you immediately to ensure that your child is being collected by the correct person.

  • To add a parent/ guardian to your online profile please inform us so we are aware of all the possible people who are involved in the regular collection of your child.

  • The person who is collecting your child must make themselves known to a member of staff upon collection.


Early finish:

  • If you need your child to leave their session early, please inform a member of staff upon dropping your child off so we can make a note of this.

  • At the arranged early collection time, please come upstairs into the gymnasium itself and make your presence known.

  • If you require special accessibility, please ring the club when you are at the arranged pick up point so that we can bring your child to you.

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